Thursday, October 31, 2019

National security of independent States (Ukraine and Lithuania) in the Essay

National security of independent States (Ukraine and Lithuania) in the post soviet space - Essay Example The group discussions we had as a group yielded the topic our present discussion, â€Å"National security of independent States (Ukraine and Lithuania) in the post-Soviet space,† which was agreed upon unanimously through a group vote. The group arrived at the topic after thorough deliberations of its significance and centrality in any attempt to understand the state of the independent states (Ukraine and Lithuania) in the post-Soviet space, especially given the ever-shifting and complex nature of the security environment in the post-Soviet space. Governments are charged with the responsibility of promoting and maintaining national security, which entails the protection of a state by using all the resources at their disposal including economic, political, as well as diplomatic power; in practice, national security in many states is determined by the combination of conditions influencing their security environment and dynamics. This paper will employ the constructivism theory to explore the national security of the independent states (Ukraine and Lithuania) in the post-Soviet space, while paying particular attention to the key themes in the region’s security environment, and highlight a probable approach for addressing these problems. Independent states in the Post-Soviet apace, often collectively referred to as the post-Soviet states or the former Soviet Union, or the former Soviet Republics, refers to a group of 15 states that emerged out of the dissolution of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in the year 1991 (Akiner, 1998 p.1089). The USSR dissolved both because of, and against a backdrop of a serious stagnation in the region’s economy, as well as recession; most of the independent states that emerged out of the dissolution embarked on the transition towards a market economy in the wake of the 1990’s, rebuilding and restructuring their economic systems. The independent post-Soviet states fall into five major groupings or

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Delicate Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Delicate Relationship - Essay Example The country would benefit from the employment opportunities within their companies while the company would benefit from the European market.   The firms and the government could, therefore, agree based on the clear motives. Intentions of both parties. From time to time, the diplomatic ties are not sufficient to keep companies operating in the same country. The risk of companies exiting the country in which they work is very high. Diplomatic measures only work when the collateral damage to be caused too much to handle (Pigman, 77). The relationship between a firm and its parent country’s Government is slightly different. It is important to note that for the government, the firms offer an invaluable addition to the physical or cyber critical infrastructure. Google Inc., for example, is one of the most powerful companies in the world. The advancements that the company has made advancements in information technology. The US government, therefore, considers the company an asset a s opposed to a liability (The Monitor 1). There have been reports that indicate, the government, has been making requests for personal information from Google. The purpose of these inquiries is unknown. Diplomacy is not a common practice between the government and the firms that are in the parent country. The need for constant communication between the firm and the country is very important as it ensures their agreement remains safe. In the event a firm and the government of a host country have similar interests, they are able to come to an agreement.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Legislation Of Health And Safety Construction Essay

Legislation Of Health And Safety Construction Essay This report provides a brief overview of the legislation, which sets out the duties imposed on everyone at workplaces.This outlines the responsibilities of every person at the workplace, the consultative framework, the requirements for reporting injuries and dangerous occurrences, the use of codes of practice, how the legislation is administered. One important principle underlying the legislation is that by bringing all parties in the workplace into consultative and decision-making processes, there will be greater commitment to workplace health and safety. INTRODUCTION Health and safety all about is keeping people from costing harmed by work or turning ill by taking the correct precautions or safeguard and supplying a satisfactory working environment. A risk assessment or judgment is nothing more than a proper way of examination of what reason behind safety of worker in danger and cause harm to work. Risk assessment/judgment should be a practical workout, directed at getting the right way of controls of safety in place keep it simple and set the outcomes into practice [HSE : 2001]. Steps include in risk assessment Make systems for implementing the health and safety assesses identified as necessity by the risk assessment; Put up emergency processes; Offer clear information and training to employees; Guidance in particular to the health and safety troubles of an industry or of a particular procedure applied in a number of industries. The important functions of guidance are: To understand serving people to realized what the law says and provide for instance how demands based on EC Directives meet with those beneath the Health and Safety at Work Act; To aid people follow with the law; To establish technical proposal. Figure Overall safety scheme HAZARDS A health hazard is any chemical or biological substance or physical stressor that causes or aggravates illness in humans. Chemical health hazards occur in many different forms. They can be liquids, such as benzene; solids, such as silica dust; or gases, such as hydrogen sulfide. Normally, it is much easier to determine the cause of an injury on the job than it is an illness due to the following reasons: The chemical substance causing the disease may be odorless or invisible. Symptoms may be mistaken for common non-occupational illnesses. Diseases may not become apparent until many years after the exposure to a hazardous substance. 2.1 Routes of Entry Chemical health hazards can enter the body in different ways: Inhalation from the lungs into the blood stream. Absorption through the skin into the blood stream. Ingestion through digestive tract into the blood stream. 2.2 Types of Hazard Controls Engineering Controls Engineering controls, which involve changes in a machine, work process, chemical, or a building that eliminate or reduce exposure to health hazards are recommended by OSHA as the best method to control hazards. Administrative Controls Administrative controls are used to reduce the number of workers who are exposed to a hazard or to distribute the exposure among more workers so that each workers exposure is less. Administrative controls do not eliminate or reduce the amount of the hazard in the workplace. Personal Protective Equipment Personal protective equipment does reduce exposure to hazards but it is the least desirable protection because it may be uncomfortable, used improperly, or fit poorly. 2.3 Type of Hazards Slips or trips The slip or trip at work in almost all kind of businesses activities or work place cause many serious injurious such as food and catering. Falls from a height Falls from ladders results serious harm to people and to protect falls from height, the work is planned or designed and conveyed out by capable people and adopt the hierarchy for managing and dealing with risks. Fire and explosion Each year many peoples health and safety in danger because of the flammable materials present at workplace or they work with it like heating fuel(LPG gas), Petrol, Paint thinners and during wielding gas used. Musculoskeletal disorders Manual (or mechanical) carrying or moving or delivering or working with loads by hand or using bodily force or power . Noise High levels or degrees echo of noise at work can probably cause hearing damage deafness to both age group young and old. Electricity Electricity can cause non-fatal shocks, falls from ladders caused by contact with overhead or underground power cables. Poor electrical installations or facilities and faulty or defective electrical gadgets can lead to huge fires and sometimes blast result in death or danger to safety and health to others. Radiation Different kinds of radiation harmful and very dangers to human and environment like UV radiation, Laser, X-ray. First aid and accident reporting First aid means emergency care given before regular medical  aid can be obtained. It basically involve treating any physical damage to the body caused at work and giving immediate care to more serious and of great consequence casualties before the medical help are obtainable. Through with this at the beginning management of injury or damage suffered at work, lives can be saved and minor injuries prevented from turning into major ones[ Work cover: ISBN 978 1 ]. Reporting accidents and ill health of worker at workplace is a legal demand. LEGISLATION There are certain mass of legislation are provided and come year by year for the safety and health of worker at workplace. We discuss some important Laws available [HSE: 2001]. 2.1 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (risk assessment). Choose specially and sufficient risk assessment is made of:- The risks to all employees whilst they are working; The risks to all workers originating from companys operations; The recognition of the measures needed to follow with the applicable statutory conditions. These Risk Assessments will be examined at least yearly. Interpretation of Risks: Hazard or danger Hazard Material Risk involved 2.2 Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995(the Act). The aim of the Act is to provide for the health and safety of people employed in, engaged in or affected by industry [ Work cover: ISBN 978 1 ]. Specifically, the Act aims or objectives to: †¢ assure the health, safety and welfare of employees at work †¢ protect people at or near workplaces from risks to health and safety †¢ promote an occupational environment for employees that harmonize with their health and safety needs †¢ foster a co-operative, consultative relationship between employers and employees The Act covers employers, employees, self-employed persons, manufacturers, service providers, designers, importers, suppliers and installers [HSE : 2001]. 2.3 Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 1996. The function and purpose of regulations is to give details of requirements that must be observed in the workplace. Regulations are the second tier of legislation. While they are subordinate to the Act, they still represent legal requirements, and failure to comply will generally be an offence punishable by a fine. The Act broadly outlines the legal obligations employers and workers have to workplace health and safety. The Regulations set out goals for meeting these legal obligations and making workplaces safe. Employers and workers can tailor safety measures to the needs of individual workplaces provided the outcomes specified in the Regulations are achieved[ Work cover: ISBN 978 1 ]. Risk management is a key element of the Regulations. Other important issues outlined in the Regulations include the need to: †¢ communicate with all parties at the workplace, including health and safety committees or employees safety representatives and those responsible for managing workplaces particularly whenever any proposed change to a workplace is likely to affect health or safety †¢ keep records relating to a number of workplace matters †¢ make any relevant health and safety information available to workers. 2.4 Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 Under the Act, the functions of the health and safety committee are to: †¢ Foster consultation and co-operation between employers and people working at the workplace †¢ Initiate, develop and implement measures that will ensure workplace health and safety †¢ Keep abreast of changes in standards of workplace health and safety †¢ Recommend to the employer that programs, measures and procedures about workplace health and safety are established, maintained and monitored †¢ Keep information provided by the employer about hazards that may arise at the workplace in a place where employees can access them Figure The law on consulting employees about health and safety in your Health and safety in Construction This section provides a brief outlines the main health and safety management requirements during a construction project by including and addressing the following project specifies [OGC: 2003]: Objectives, the key health and safety performance and success criteria during construction and for the finished asset. Background, the key health and safety drives ( such as the intention to achieve excellence as a client and to align the project with current national improvement campaigns. A business case that recognizes the need for client health and safety leadership and commitment Quality plans that measure health and safety performance during design, procurement and construction(including , where appropriate, facilities maintenance etc) Project organization, addressing responsibilities for the management of health ans safety risks as part of project governance. CONCLUSION A systematic and regular audit of Safety Systems and Performance can lead to significant improvements. There are certain laws and legislation are made in favor of workers and employee for their safety and there are so many committee and representative are assign to groups of worker under safety representatives. The main function of safety representatives to look into possible hazards and dangerous happening at the workplace (whether or not they are drawn to his attention by the employees he represents)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Duties of Fidelity Essay -- Business, Duties of Reparation

Ross prima facie duties speak of fidelity, reparation, gratitude, justice, beneficence, non- maleficence and self-improvement. Even though Ross has explained each duties, it is still uncertain that how these duties can be implied in marketing activities. If we look at each duty, it is not easy to implement every duty in a situation unless it demands so. One has a prima facie duty (not) to do a certain action if and only if there is some moral demand for one (not) to do it (Baumrin, 1965). Therefore in order to execute these duties, understanding the circumstances is very important. It is understood that prima facie duties are expressions referring to a characteristic by certain individual act-tokens rather than by certain act-types (Atwell, 1978). A sense of which duties are towards the bottom of the scale and which duties are towards the top is to be made sure in order to achieve every duty (Robinson, 2010). Duties of fidelity are the duty of keeping up promises. The company should not promise anything to their customers that they cannot execute. Promise can be anything related to product quality, size, etc. Breaking a promise can bring down the value for the products as there will be no trust for the products in the market. Keeping up promises will encourage the customers to buy the product. According to prima facie duties, one cannot be blamed if he undertakes to make the right choice but it does not produce a good act (Meyers, 2009). Duties of reparation are only essential when one cannot keep up the promise or when unintentional mistakes happened. If the product is damaged then the product is to be recalled and repaired or new products have to be issued to the customers. Cash Payments can also be made fo... ...tilitarian can increase the costs for the company but they are responsible to do so because, the fault is not caused by customers. Whether a person’s action is morally justifiable, is a deontological question; whether the act is good is ultimately a consequentiality question (Meyers, 2009). According to my point of view what Maruti Suzuki did was correct but these faults are not supposed to be happened from a company like these. Instead of repairing faulty cars new cars is to be provided immediately when they recalled faulty ones. Also they should have taken additional efforts to help customers when they were waiting for their car to get repaired. They should have given bonus packages to their customers for the mistake happened. Even though it can add total cost for the company, it can support them in maintaining their customers and good will in the market.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Asnani Nandini Essay

The Bitter Truth Polar bears sweating, the Earth reforming Into a volcano. And oxygen artificially supplied to the atmosphere is the future of tomorrow. It is unfortunately a consequence of our activities today. â€Å"The truth† that AH Gore considers to be a potential threat is the trapping of gases within the boundaries of the ozone layer, with the addition of humans deepening the wound with their negligence. The truth is an eye-opener for negligent individuals.Global warming- an extremely adverse word and a great deal of controversy. An Inconvenient Truth is a terrifying and imminent once which awakens us to realize our responsibility we need to have to the earth. Davis Guggenheim presents the film in a form of presentation, showing the upward trend of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. AH Gore connects this data with glances of melting of Ice caps, and shows how dependent people are. In fact, 40% of the people are dependent on the water that these Ice caps provide.De forestation Is reflected with Increasing factories and reduced trees. The Impact of this global carols is unprecedented. Vehicular pollution, burning of fossil fuels and human caused hazards like this are depleting our resources. Myths and misconceptions about the earth were unveiled. For instance, the bitter truth of animals losing their habitat and forest fires is not Just a natural hazard. It is a proved, irresponsible action of the selfish humans, who deforest and for their own greed set up factories.To top that, they pollute the environment with their factory pollutants in the form of smoke and oil spills. If this be the condition furthermore, we all will be walking around with oxygen masks. This truth shows us that global warming Is not a political issue but rather, the biggest moral and ethical challenge facing our civilization due to our own actions. These facts should help to galvanism people, governments, organizations and Individuals to work on a better environment. Some myths exposed transfixed us In stupefaction.Such as, the average American generates about 1 5,000 pounds of carbon dioxide every year from personal transportation, home energy use and from the energy used to produce all of the products and services we consume. Most emissions from homes are from the fossil fuels burned to generate electricity and heat. By using energy more efficiently at home, you can reduce your emissions by more than 30%. Our actions to reduce global warming can extend beyond how we personally reduce our own emissions. We all have influence on our schools, workplaces, businesses, and on society through how we make purchases, invest, take action, and vote.The truth emphasizes how we provoke the environment, such that It backfires to us unknowingly. The population Is dependent on the resources of the environment and do not realize they are depleting It themselves! â€Å"What we take for granted might not be here for our This quote of AH gore should be a repeated ech o and remind us to wake up and realize that we are the only preservers oxide struck me. It was shocking to know that the ten most hot years have occurred in the past fifteen years! More devastating summers indicates greater chances of hurricanes.The heat and warmer air Just adds fuel to on going hurricanes Just like Strain. It seemed pretty simple until it rapidly increased in the degree of its disruption after passing over the Gulf of Mexico. And finally when it reached New Orleans, the consequence of those warm winds caused immense destruction, loss of lives and property. Another important aspect of â€Å"The Inconvenient Truth† which is highlighted is the Kyoto Protocol. It focuses on the measures taken to reduce pollution and bring down the level of carbon-did-oxide in the environment.The alarming visuals stress on facts is an eye-opener and makes us aware of the severity of damage we have done. The truth is, we are facing a crisis bigger than warmer days, overworked air conditions and painful sunburns- the exploitation and depletion of the resources of the Earth. Apparently, all the cycles of the Earth are interrelated. The need of the hour is to make an impact on this planet, reduce the carbon footprint and make your voice be heard. Losing the planet and even the fear about it can be depressing and overwhelming.The title represents how â€Å"inconvenient† this is going to be in the near future and the suffering we are going to go through. Switch off those electric bulbs when not in use, change them to the incandescent lights, car pool, use chimneys, reduce, reuse and recycle. Promote and pass this understanding to others. The film ends as it began with stunning video of a beautiful wilderness stream peacefully flowing to the ocean in the hope that such scenes will remain a part of the future landscape. So step out and make a difference!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

An Exploration of a Needs Orientated Approach to Care Planning Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to explore a needs orientated approach to care planning, through the use of a problem solving approach to care, and a nursing model. It aims to show an understanding of what both a problem solving approach to care, and a nursing model are; and to establish how various key elements of both are implemented in practice. The following citation by the Department of Health (DH) (2009) identifies what is intended by the process of care planning; Personalised care planning is essentially about addressing an individual’s full range of needs, taking into account their health, personal, social, economic, educational, mental health, ethnic and cultural background and circumstances. In order for the care planning process to be effective the need for both a problem solving approach to care and a nursing model is fundamental. The problem solving approach which will be discussed within this assignment follows the format of Assess, Plan, Implementation and Evaluation (often referred to as APIE) developed by theorists; Yura and Walsh in 1967. APIE offers a structured, systematic approach to nursing practice through the use of the methodical care planning stages highlighted above (Barrett et al, 2009). Nevertheless, broad literature research suggests that this process lacked effectiveness in meeting the holistic needs of the individual and so, the process was adapted to include two further stages known as; Systematic Nursing Diagnosis and Recheck to produce the acronym ASPIRE (REF). However, these amended stages will not be discussed widely within this assignment, and so the process of APIE will be referred to throughout. The nursing model developed by Roper, Logan and Tierney (RLT) in 2000, is one of several extensively criticised models commonly used in practice; to enable the facilitation of a holistic approach to care. The purpose of a nursing model is defined by Barrett et al as; Models give direction to the nurse about the patients and their needs and define nursing roles derived from the views, beliefs and values about people, health, the environment and nursing (Barrett et al, 2009 p. 42). As previously identified, RLT are keen to adopt an holistic approach to care as oppose to other models which only take into account a patients needs from a medical perspective. The RLT model has been acknowledged to reflect the current realities of healthcare within the United Kingdom (Barrett et al, 2009), consisting of five underlying concepts; Activities of Living, Lifespan, Independence-dependence continuum, factors influencing AL’s and individuality which (Roper et al, 2000) clearly state are interrelated with one another to emphasise the importance of holism. Pearson et al, along with many other nursing authors, highlight the significance of agreeing on a nursing model to be used together with the problem solving approach to develop an individualised care plan efficiently. Pearson et al (2005 p. 84) indefinitely state; ‘the ‘process’ cannot happen without an agreement on nursing’ as, whilst APIE provides the systematic framework as to how the care plan should be devised, the nursing model effectively identifies what should be considered at each individual stage (REF). The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) also supports the utilisation of a nursing model alongside a problem solving approach, in identifying that; It facilitates consistent, evidenced-based nursing care, and necessitates accurate, up-to-date care documentation (RCN, 2011). This assignment will also discuss how the RLT model and the problem solving approach are used to meet the biopsyhosocial needs of an individual, and also the strengths and limitations of using RLT’s model and a problem solving approach in relation to developing a care plan. An exploration of how the implementation of the RLT model and a problem solving approach allows the multidisciplinary teams (MDT) to use the approach to meet public health needs, will also be explored within this assignment. To support such discussions, a range of knowledge gained throughout this module and previous programme themes, as well as a formative care plan developed for a fictional patient known as Mabel Dunn (see appendix A); will be utilised effectually. Through the exploration of each stage of the problem solving approach in turn, and how RLT is utilised alongside this process, enables an extensive in depth analysis to take place whilst using the formative care plan as reflective material to support the discussion. Assessment is the initial stage of the nursing process. Roper et al consistently use the term ‘assessing’ to signify that it is an on-going process, and highlights its continuity throughout the patient’s episode of care (Aggleton & Chalmers, 2000). It is divided into two stages to allow for a holistic representation of the patient to be established (Barrett et al, 2009). Effective assessment allows the prompt identification of any changes in a patient’s health status, and if necessary; allows any action to be carried out immediately supporting the delivery of safe, effective care DH (). The formulation of an accurate assessment is a fundamental skill for a student nurse as outlined by the NMC (2004), and so it is important that a holistic approach is adopted for this skill to be achieved. An holistic approach supports the consideration of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. needs,(THEME? ) which Pearson et al (2005) accentuates that without the holistic consideration of a patient’s needs; it could lead to an inaccurate representation of the individual. RLT portrayed their understanding of a holistic approach through the use of the 12 Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s); as they believe a patient is best understood in terms of how they carry out the ADL’s (Holland et al, 2003). The 12 actvities (AL) of daily living act as a framework in the assessment process by providing a means of categorising the information in a systematic format (ppt presentation). Barrett et al (2009, p. 45) clarifies; Each activity represents a particular type of behaviour that all of us carry out on a day to day basis, whilst interacting with each other and our environment. The idea surrounding the ADL’s was derived from the Human Hierarchy of Needs developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in (), by offering a representation of the common elements of everyday living that ensure human survival, and also quality of life (Barrett et al, 2009/pearson ). Despite the main focus of RLT’s model been holism, it has been extensively criticised in meeting the holistic needs of patients in the past, as practitioners have used the ADL’s in a checklist format (Barrett et al, 2009) even though the use of the ADL’s has been stressed to be used in a broad format, to enable a comprehensive assessment to be sought effectively. This could potentially cause further complications†¦. It is for this reason as to why the proficient skill of assessment is fundamental before becoming a competent practitioner as, without a comprehensive assessment the patients’ needs will not be considered from a holistic perspective, and consequently the model will not be used for its principal purpose. Holland et al (2003) highlight that the 12 ADL’s can interrelate in many different ways and therefore potentially impact on one another encouraging an holistic account of an individual’s needs. As a practitioner it is important to understand that the ADL’s can interrelate with one another and therefore influence on each other http://www. dh. gov. uk/en/Healthcare/Longtermconditions/DH_093359 (DOH, 2009) . A holistic approach supports that only taking into consideration the individuals physical needs during assessment as oppose to the human being as a whole; could potentially lead to an inaccurate representation of the individual and therefore lead to difficulties in meeting the patients’ needs effectively (Pearson et al, 2005). The quality of assessment will be greatly enhanced by the participation of the client and carers to the assessment process ensuring that the client’s wishes are foremost and, wherever possible, the client’s own words are used to reflect their needs RCN It also decreases the potential for, or the severity of, chronic conditions and helps the individual to gain control over their health through self-care. RCN  The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) emphasise the importance of the ability to effectively assess, plan, implement and evaluate care, forming the basis for the standards of proficiency as a student nurse (NMC, 2004). The concept of individuality is constantly emphasised by theorists as been crucial in the implementation of holistic care, and therefore stress the importance of taking a patient centred approach to care planning which will be discussed at a later stage within this assignment. Nurses have a major role in promoting health and well-being, as well as preventing disease and Roper et al see this as been an essential factor in the model for nursing (Roper et al 2000, p. 102) cited in (Holland et al, 2003) As previously stated, the stages of APIE interrelate in a cyclical context to allow for the establishment of a holistic, needs orientated approach to care delivery. The next stage known as Systematic Nursing Diagnosis was adapted due to criticisms of the approach lacking the concept of holism; one of the main focuses of the RLT model of nursing. Barrett et al (2009) accentuate how a nursing diagnosis differs from that of a medical diagnosis by establishing that; it places emphasis on a patients holistic needs, and so takes into consideration the physical, psychological, social and spiritual inferences of having a specific medical diagnosis. Hesook (2010, p. 200) also supports this statement in that; ‘health problems that are the referents of nursing diagnosis have been conceptualised from nursing perspectives in a variety of ways. Systematic nursing diagnosis can therefore be used resourcefully with RLT’s nursing model by allowing the nurse to reflect on the assessment stage formerly carried out, before beginning the planning stage to clarify the problems highlighted within the previous stage. Hogston & Marjoram (2006) acknowledged the fact that the original nursing process; APIE discussed in this assignment lacks this stage, arguing that the nurse does not have time to reflect on the assessment stage of the problem solving approach which affects the thoroughness of the care planning approach which could potentially lead to†¦. look at a limitation of SND†¦ ADD example of Mabel Dunn†¦ Planning Planning is the second stage of APIE and is also a multistage process which Barrett et al (2009) consider to involve the development of the care plan itself; based on information gathered within the former two stages. According to Within this stage, the nurse is accountable for setting appropriate goals and prescribing the relevant care to a patient to meet their holistic needs.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Asteroid, Meteor, Or Comet Impact On The Earth! Essays - Astronomy

Asteroid, Meteor, Or Comet Impact On The Earth! Essays - Astronomy Asteroid, Meteor, Or Comet Impact On The Earth! Richie Nover Per. 2 Science Regents Paper Project One Asteroid, Meteor, or Comet Impact on the Earth! An asteroid is a small or minor planets that are members of the solar system and move in elliptical orbits. Usually found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. A comet is relatively small, rocky, and icy. It revolves around the sun. When a comet passes close to the sun some of the ice turns to gas. This gas and some loose dust creates a long, bright tail that trails behind the comet. A meteor is a small solid object entering a planets atmosphere from outer space. Meteors sometimes come as fireballs, and shooting or falling stars. If anyone of these hit the earth, even something relatively small in size, it would do great damage. If a relatively small 200-meter asteroid hit an ocean it would create devastation to all cities near the coast. This is because it would create an enormous wave that would be like a tremendous wall of water that would cause all of the large cities on the coast to be under water. If a one-kilometer asteroid hit the land it would create a dust cloud that would block the sun and all food production would be destroyed. This dust cloud would cover the earth for years and years. A 400-500 kilometer object were to hit, it would evaporate all the oceans on the earth. If a 1500 kilometer object were to hit it would vaporize rocks and other debris, the temperature would rise to 2000k, the atmosphere would exceed 100 times more pressure than now, it would flash steam the oceans, and there would not be a drop of rain for 2000 to 3000 years. There have been evidences that in the past there have been impacts to our planet. Around 50,000 years ago a meteor hit the earth with around a 20 to 40 megaton explosion. In this area lived mammoths, sloth, bison, packrats, mastodons, mountain goats, camel, horses, and tapirs. At ground zero animals and plants were immediately vaporized. Wind scoured the land in a 3 to 5 km radius from the point of impact. The land was buried by ejected and overturned bedrock. One half of anything within 9 to 14 km would die from the air blasts. But the impact effects would only be severe within an 800 to 1500km area. No global extinction would occur. Yet on the evidence from the impact around 65 million years ago was a global catastrophe. Animal extinctions, plants died, atmosphere black out and vaporization of oceans those were some of the things that come with this impact. In the case of knowing we are having a catastrophic impact how would we deal with it? For a smaller asteroid we would use evacuations. Also not knowing if they would work, missiles could be aimed towards incoming objects to deflect then away from the earth. And even solar powered motors on the object could also be used to change the direction of the object. I take the threats of impacts very seriously. But the information I have read in these packets has shown no particularly bad impacts from space for the next hundred to ten thousand years. I feel safe knowing this information. I am for government funding to go towards precautionary measures. Even though its not a very high chance, there is a chance of impacts and they should be dealt with.

Monday, October 21, 2019

ACCT 712 Essays

ACCT 712 Essays ACCT 712 Essay ACCT 712 Essay ACCT 712 Final Exam 1. Net cash will be different from a companys net income because of the changes in working capital (inventories, receivables, etc. ) which is derived in the operating flows on a cash flow statement. By taking net income and making adjustments to reflect the changes, net cash flow from operating section will show how cash was generated. Another main reason is the translation process from accrual accounting to cash accounting because for example revenue reported on a accrual basis may not have been collected but on the cash flow statement and changes in cash is accounted for. For the operating section of the cash flow (CF) statement a positive sign will show high quality and identifies that the cash is flowing is available to pay operating expenses. For the investing section of the CF statement a negative sign will usually show investing of capital expenditures, investments, acquisitions. For a growing company a negative investing flow is preferred to show grow potential. Lastly, the financing section of the CF statement should show a positive to be evidence in the ability to pay debts or other flows. A growing company would show negative cash low due to the start up of taking out debt to finance capital within a growing company. Investing and financing sections for a growing company will likely show a negative due to the growth potential and start up of limited cash flows available. Sale proceeds from a sale of accounts receivable will result in a gain on sale affecting the balance sheet, income statement, CF statement. 2. Intrinsic value method is the difference between the market price and the preset strike price at any point in time. It represents the amount realized by the option holder, if exercised. Also known as the true value of a companys stock. Fair value method total compensation expense is computed based on the fair value of the options expected to vest on the date the options are granted to the employees. Estimation is done by using an option-pricing model such as the Black- Scholes to estimate fair value. From a investors perspective, the fair value method is preferred because of reporting more transparency to investors as well as restoring market confidence in financial reporting. This method requires expensing all stock options by allocation when the service is performed. In addition, by valuing at fair value, it appears consistent and comparable to the end user of a financial statement. From an companys perspective, the intrinsic value is favored over the fair value method because when employees are granted the stock options, it is reported as compensation expense. But due to the intrinsic value method, most employee stock plan option at the measurement date is zero because the option is set equal to the market price at the date that the options are granted. Thus, showing no compensation expense and only a foot note disclosure. In my opinion, I prefer the ntrinsic value method because accounting is based on present values that are realized not assumptions or estimates of values by using an option-pricing model. 3. arrangement Step2: Do the continuing cash flows result from a migration or a continuation of activities? No, the royalty agreement does not provide for a migration or a continuation of activities. The revenue-producing activities and cost generating activities of the component before the disposal transaction were the manufacturing and sale of medical devices. No continuance of those activities after the disposal ransaction; therefore, the cash flows associated with the royalty fee are indirect cash flows. Accordingly, Step 3, an evaluation of the significance of the continuing cash flows, is not necessary. Step 4: Is there significant continuing involvement in the operations of the disposed component? No ability to significantly influence is based on the insignificance of the royalty agreement to the overall operations of the disposed component. Also, the ongoing entity is involved in the operations of the disposed component is limited to the ability to receive Just a royalty for five years. Lastly, no rights by the agreement enable the ongoing entity to exert significant influence over the disposed component. Thus, the continuing cash flows are indirect cash flows and the ongoing entity will not have any significant continuing involvement in the operations of the disposed component, this will be classified as a discontinued operation. . FASB is looking to make changes to lease accounting that would affect almost every organization. Lessees would be required to recognize in their balance sheets an asset representing the right to use the leased property over the estimated lease erm and a liability to make estimated future lease payments for each lease under this proposed capital lease method. This would ultimately eliminate the accounting and reporting of leases classified as operating leases. This impact could face timing recognition issues for example study analysis of financial data reveals that the proposal would depress company profits, economic growth and financial stability because it does not accurately reflect the economics of the lease transaction. 5. The three motivations for earnings management: 1) Compensation compensation is the driving force in management especially alary bonuses, whether pay is linked to performance, or controlling operating results compensation is very important to be profitable in a large part to motivation manipulation. For example, a more high-powered compensation is necessary to incentivize effort when earnings management is possible. 2) Covenant violation- by violating covenants this can cause interest rate to increase. Managers that violated covenants can avoid default by making income- increasing accounts choices. Such actions may improve the firms bargaining positions in cases of renegotiations. As a result, this usually leads to higher cost of orrowing or new restrictive covenants. ) Provide window dressing for IPO This relates to market incentives to manage earnings when there is a connection between reported earnings and the companys market value. Managers can use accounting discretion to increase earnings in the periods affecting an initial public offerings or a seasoned equity offerings to build also decline following offerings. The difference between real earnings management and accounting earnings management is real earnings management involves discretionary spending, manipulation of p roduction, selling of assets, stock options, or repurchase stock. Accounting earnings management is the way real earnings is accounted for within classifications, for example discretionary accruals or management buyouts. Earnings management is not necessarily bad from the shareholders perspective because by allowing managers to manipulate earnings figures mangers can meet a pre-specified target. But abusive earnings management would be considered bad due to the excessive income smoothing. Different methods used by managers can be very complex and confusing, which makes it very difficult for shareholders to pick up on accounting frauds before they happen.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

USS Saipan (CVL-48) - Cold War

USS Saipan (CVL-48) - Cold War USS Saipan (CVL-48) - Overview: Nation:  United States Type:  Light Aircraft Carrier Shipyard:  New York Shipbuilding Corporation Laid Down:  July 10, 1944 Launched:  July 8, 1945 Commissioned:  July 14, 1946 Fate:  Sold for scrap, 1976 USS Saipan (CVL-48) - Specifications: Displacement:  14,500 tons Length:  684 ft. Beam:  76.8 ft. (waterline) Draft:  28 ft. Propulsion:  Geared steam turbines, 4 Ãâ€" shafts Speed:  33 knots Complement:  1,721 men USS Saipan (CVL-48) - Armament: 10 Ãâ€" quadruple 40 mm guns Aircraft: 42-50 aircraft USS Saipan (CVL-48) - Design Construction: In 1941, with World War II underway in Europe and growing tensions with Japan, President Franklin D. Roosevelt became increasingly worried that the US Navy did not anticipate any new carriers joining the fleet until 1944.   To remedy the situation, he ordered the General Board to examine whether any of the light cruisers then being built could be converted into carriers to reinforce the services Lexington- and Yorktown-class ships.   Though the initial report recommended against such conversions, Roosevelt pressed the issue and a design to utilize several Cleveland-class light cruiser hulls then under construction was developed.   Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7 and the US entry into the conflict, the US Navy moved to accelerate the construction of the new  Essex-class fleet carriers and approved the conversion of several cruisers into light carriers. Dubbed the Independence-class, the nine carriers that resulted from the program possessed narrow and short flight decks as a result of their light cruiser hulls.   Limited in their capabilities, the primary advantage of the class was the speed with which they could be completed.   Anticipating combat losses among the Independence-class ships, the US Navy moved forward with an improved light carrier design.   Though intended as carriers from the outset, the design of what became the Saipan-class drew heavily from the hull shape and machinery used in the Baltimore-class heavy cruisers.   This allowed for a wider and longer flight deck and improved seakeeping.   Other benefits included a higher speed, better hull subdivision, as well as stronger armor and enhanced anti-aircraft defenses.   As the new class was larger, it was capable of carrying a more sizable air group than its predecessors.    The lead ship of  class, USS Saipan (CVL-48), was laid down at the New York Shipbuilding Company (Camden, NJ) on July 10, 1944.   Named for the recently fought Battle of Saipan, construction moved forward over the next year and the carrier slid down the ways on July 8, 1945, with Harriet McCormack, wife of House Majority Leader John W. McCormack, serving as sponsor.   As workers moved to complete Saipan, the war ended.   As a result, it was commissioned into the peacetime US Navy on July 14, 1946, with Captain John G. Crommelin in command.       USS Saipan (CVL-48) - Early Service: Completing shakedown operations, Saipan received an assignment to train new pilots off Pensacola, FL.   Remaining in this role from September 1946 through April 1947, it then was transferred north to Norfolk.   Following exercises in the Caribbean, Saipan joined the Operational Development Force in December.   Tasked with assessing experimental equipment and developing new tactics, the force reported to the commander-in-chief of the Atlantic Fleet.   Working with ODF, Saipan primarily focused on crafting operational practices for using new jet aircraft at sea as well as electronic instrument evaluation.   After brief break from this duty in February 1948 to transport a delegation to Venezuela, the carrier resumed its operations off the Virginia Capes. Made flagship of Carrier Division 17 on April 17, Saipan steamed north Quonset Point, RI to embark Fighter Squadron 17A.   Over the course of the next three days, the entirety of the squadron qualified in the FH-1 Phantom.   This made it the first fully-qualified, carrier-based jet fighter squadron in the US Navy.   Relieved of flagship duties in June, Saipan underwent an overhaul at Norfolk the following month.   Returning to service with ODF, the carrier embarked a pair of Sikorsky XHJS and three Piasecki HRP-1 helicopters in December and sailed north to Greenland to aid in the rescue of eleven airmen who had become stranded.   Arriving offshore on the 28th, it remained on station until the men were rescued.   After a stop in Norfolk, Saipan proceeded south Guantanamo Bay where it conducted exercises for two months before rejoining ODF. USS Saipan (CVL-48) - Mediterranean to the Far East: The spring and summer of 1949 saw Saipan continue duty with ODF as well as conduct reservist training cruises north to Canada while also carrier qualifying Royal Canadian Navy pilots.   After another year of operating off the Virginia coast, the carrier received orders to assume the post of flagship of Carrier Division 14 with the US Sixth Fleet.   Sailing for the Mediterranean, Saipan remained abroad for three months before steaming back to Norfolk.   Rejoining the US Second Fleet, it spent the next two years in the Atlantic and Caribbean.   In October 1953, Saipan was directed to sail for the Far East to aid in supporting the truce that had recently ended the Korean War.    Transiting the Panama Canal, Saipan touched at Pearl Harbor before arriving at Yokosuka, Japan.   Taking station off the Korean coast, the carriers aircraft flew  surveillance and reconnaissance missions to assess Communist activity.   During the winter, Saipan provided air cover for a Japanese convey transporting Chinese prisoners of war to Taiwan.   After taking part in exercises in the Bonins in March 1954, the carrier ferried twenty-five AU-1 (ground attack) model Chance Vought Corsairs and five  Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw helicopters to Indochina for transfer to the French who were engaged in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu.   Completing this mission, Saipan delivered helicopters to US Air Force personnel in the Philippines before resuming its station off Korea.   Ordered home later that spring, the carrier departed Japan on May 25 and returned to Norfolk via the Suez Canal. USS Saipan (CVL-48) - Transition: That fall, Saipan steamed south on a mission of mercy following Hurricane Hazel.   Arriving off Haiti in mid-October, the carrier delivered a variety of humanitarian and medical aid to the ravaged country.   Departing on October 20, Saipan made port at Norfolk for an overhaul prior to operations in the Caribbean and a second stint as the training carrier at Pensacola.   In the fall of 1955, it again received orders to aid in hurricane relief and moved south to the Mexican coast.   Using its helicopters, Saipan assisted in evacuating civilians and distributed aid to the population around Tampico.   After several months at Pensacola, the carrier was directed to make for Bayonne, NJ for decommissioning on October 3, 1957.   Too small relative to the Essex-, Midway-, and new Forrestal-class fleet carriers, Saipan was placed in reserve.      Reclassified AVT-6 (aircraft transport) on May 15, 1959, Saipan found new life in March 1963.   Transferred south to the Alabama Drydock and Shipbuilding Company in Mobile, the carrier was slated to be converted into a command ship.   Initially re-designated CC-3,  Saipan was instead re-classified as a major communications relay ship (AGMR-2) on September 1, 1964.   Seven months later, on April 8, 1965, the ship was renamed USS Arlington in recognition of one of the US Navys first radio stations.   Re-commissioned on August 27, 1966, Arlington underwent fitting out and shakedown operations into the new year before taking part in exercises in the Bay of Biscay.   In the late spring of 1967, the ship made preparations to deploy to the Pacific to take part in the Vietnam War.      Ã‚      USS Arlington (AGMR-2) - Vietnam Apollo: Sailing on July 7, 1967, Arlington passed through the Panama Canal and touched in Hawaii, Japan, and the Philippines before taking up a station in the Gulf of Tonkin.   Making three patrols in the South China Sea that fall, the ship provided reliable communications handling for the fleet and supported combat operations in the region.   Additional patrols followed in early 1968 and Arlington also participated in exercises in the Sea of Japan as well as made port calls in Hong Kong and Sydney.   Remaining in the Far East for most of 1968, the ship sailed for Pearl Harbor in December and later played a support role in the recovery of Apollo 8.   Returning to the waters off Vietnam in January, it continued to operate in the region until April when it departed to aid in the recovery of Apollo 10.    With this mission complete, Arlington sailed for Midway Atoll to provide communications support for a meeting between President Richard Nixon and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu on June 8, 1969.   Briefly resuming its mission off Vietnam on June 27, the ship was again withdrawn the following month to aid NASA.   Arriving at Johnston Island, Arlington embarked Nixon on July 24 and then supported the return of Apollo 11.   With the successful recovery of Neil Armstrong and his crew, Nixon transferred to USS Hornet (CV-12) to meet with the astronauts.   Departing the area, Arlington sailed for Hawaii before departing for the West Coast.    Arriving at Long Beach, CA on August 29, Arlington then moved south to San Diego to begin the process of inactivation.   Decommissioned on January 14, 1970, the former carrier was stricken from the Navy List on August 15, 1975.   Briefly held, it was sold for scrap by the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service on June 1, 1976.    Selected Sources DANFS: USS  Saipan  (CVL-48)NavSource: USS  Saipan  (CVL-48)USS  Saipan  (CV-48) Association

Saturday, October 19, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

English - Essay Example Trying to reduce her sentiments into the confined language of Imagism would have lost a great deal of the subtext of her poems, which is where a great deal of her meaning resides. It is through these devices that the life of the poet emerges, making statements of alienation, isolation and frustration even while discussing something as innocuous seeming as the moon. Not scrimping on the use of extended metaphors to express her ideas, Bishop is a master of the lyrical phrase. By looking at poems such as â€Å"The Man-Moth,† â€Å"The Fish,† â€Å"Filling Station† and â€Å"Pink Dog,† one can get a sense of how the use of adjectives within her poetry provides Bishop with the power to capture overwhelming life experiences in allegorical settings. Inspiration for many of Bishop’s poems starts with the experience of emotional reaction, such as the sudden and unexpected delights of daily life. â€Å"The Man-Moth† is actually a poem that arose out of a misprint in the New York Times for the word â€Å"mammoth.† (Rzepka, 2001). For Bishop, this was a perfect example of the New York persona and an irresistible opportunity to poke a little fun at The Big Apple. Despite the teasing tone of the piece, with such phrases as â€Å"when the Man-Moth / pays his rare, although occasional, visits to the surface† (9-10) and â€Å"The Man-Moth always seats himself facing the wrong way / and the train starts at once at its full, terrible speed† (29-30), this poem provides a glimpse into the postmodern feelings of isolation and alienation that had become associated with the big cities of the modern world. Here, the Man-Moth â€Å"cannot tell the rate at which he travels backwards† (32) and â€Å"does n ot dare look out the window† (36). Through this descriptive language, she indicates that the motion of individuals trapped within the city’s subways and patterns are not traveling forward, yet are not exactly

Friday, October 18, 2019

Collapse paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Collapse paper - Essay Example Economic history of the United States of America extends over a period of less than two and half centuries. Over the course of this period, the US economy had multiple series of progress and problems. The United States has grown from an alliance of thirteen British colonies with distinct economies and institutions to the unified state which nowadays accounts for more than fifth of the world economy ("Economic history of the US"). US economy today is based on three major elements. The first element is its natural resources. The continent of the United States has rich mineral resources and favorable terrain, as well as mild climate conditions. It also has broad access to the ocean and corresponding transportation routes, encompassing the coastlines of both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as that of the Gulf of Mexico. Additional shipping routes are ensured by a host of rivers crossing the country and the Great Lakes along the border with Canada. These extensive transportation channels endorsed the economic growth of the USA, especially at early stages, and played a significant role in uniting America's 50 individual states into a full-fledged economic unit ("Economy of the United States"). The second ingredient is its human resources. USA has the third largest population in the world, which was estimated to be ca 295 mil people in July 2005 (CIA). The labor force is one of the major factor of economic growth and therefore prosperity of the country. On the other hand, country's citizens are also its biggest asset. Their welfare should be one the top of government's priorities list. Good environmental conditions and balanced habitats are essential to the welfare and health of the people, which makes environmental regulation extremely significant. The third element is industrial production and investments. USA is a home to corporations, which are complex organization governed by extensive set of rules and owned by stockholders. Boosted by the advent of mass production corporations like General Electric have been crucial in shaping the country. Using stock exchanges and financial markets American investors and banks managed to substantially increase their capital investing and withdrawing funds from profitable corporations. In the current era of globalization US investors and corporations have even larger influence on the world than ever before. ("Economic history of the US") It is essential to know these because above described components are vital in making the economy of the United States prosper. Therefore, it is imperative that the US government initiate regulation in order to preserve these valuable resources. Some regulations and policies that control these resources, however, are at times being overlooked not only by private corporations but the US government itself. Some private corporations in the USA abuse the use of natural resources, which leads to the destruction of the environment and increase in pollution, both harmful to human beings. The government, on the other hand, sometimes disregards these issues and even makes some initiatives to accelerate the economy at the expense of environmental deterioration. One of the recurring problems faced by the US government is energy. The government has been constantly seeking for appropriate means to regulate the use of energy and find new energy sources. US government has been extensively seeking for such sources as oil, nuclear

Social Networking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Networking - Research Paper Example There is a long list of things one can delve on social networking sites; for example, keeping in touch with family and friends, being "nosey", expressing personal opinions and views, meeting people with similar interests, and also for specific and distinct reasons like documenting trips, availing of opportunities to date, and sharing photographs, music, video clips, and other endeavors. In this regard, the essay aims to find out everything there is to know about social networking and the ethical issues that relate to it. The discourse would initially trace its origin, define social networking, identify the pros and cons of being involved in these sites, and determine the ethical issues pervading social networking sites (SNSs). Finally, policy recommendation pertinent to major ethical principles seen to be applicable in social networking sites would be proffered. Social Networking: Ethical Issues Reviewed Contemporary generation has joined the bandwagon of active participants in socia l networking sites (SNSs) that one wonders if all users really know its origin and the intricate details that envelope its existence. For sure, today’s social network patronizers could not even imagine a world without SNSs. Just like any organizational structure, SNSs are bound by ethical standards and codes of moral conduct and discipline that participants are expected to adhere to and that SNSs themselves, are obliged to comply. The current research aims to find out everything there is to know about social networking and the ethical issues that relate to it. The discourse would initially trace its origin, define social networking, identify the pros and cons of being involved in these sites, and determine the ethical issues pervading social networking sites (SNSs). Finally, policy recommendation pertinent to major ethical principles seen to be applicable in social networking sites would be proffered. Historical Background In a study conducted by Boyd and Ellison (2007), the origin of SNS, first recognizable, was traced in 1997, through the efforts and creative design of As averred, â€Å" allowed users to create profiles, list their Friends and, beginning in 1998, surf the Friends lists† (Boyd & Ellison, 2007, par. 15). On the other hand, Davies (2010) presented an even earlier discovery of SNSs historical beginnings with a social media site reported to be created by Randy Conrad,, where the website’s aim was to help â€Å"helps members find, connect and keep in touch with friends and acquaintances from school life. Classmates has more than 40 million active members in the US and Canada. In early 2008, Nielson Online ranked Classmates as number 3 in unique monthly visitors among social networking sites† (Davies, 2011, par. 2). The figure below illustrates historical date lines of major SNSs as presented by Boyd and Ellison (2007, par. 19): Source: Boyd and Ellison (2007) After 2006, Davi es’ timeline indicate that the newest addition to the SNSs was, which as reportedly designed â€Å"to integrate the googles web-based program, G-mail. Shared links and messages show up in the user’s inbox. Buzz focuses on  integrating  photos, videos and links as part of the â€Å"conversations† aspects of G-mail like conversation threading† (Davies, 2011, par. 10). Definitions of SNSs Boyd and Ellison (2007) defined SNSs as â€Å"web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Attend a meetong (zone,planning, etc) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Attend a meetong (zone,planning, etc) - Essay Example A Summary of the Meeting The meeting in point was held on September 24, 2013 and was formal and regular (not convened because of an emergency) in nature. The meeting was also a response to the need to replenish Pequannock Township’s reputation as the oldest Township in the United States, having been founded in 1695. It had been left tentatively in the previous meeting that equipping the town for disaster response, replenishing the city’s infrastructure and socio-cultural heritage. The Pequannock Township Mayor, the Deputy, clerk, Township historian and Township manager were the attendees, alongside me. Thus, the meeting was held with one single objective- improving and effecting the affairs of Pequannock Township, New Jersey as a way of strengthening the town’s reputation. The issues and problems that were raised include maintaining houses under the Planned Residential Development which was set in the early 1990s and alternatively known as the Glens; the maintena nce of Pequannock Township’s historic sites; generating more funds for running Pequannock Township more effectively; and strengthening Pequannock Township for emergency disaster response undertakings. ... Just as Colrick recommends, strengthening Pequannock Township for emergency disaster response undertakings would in turn involve using the initial sources of revenue and savings to raise funds for the same purpose. This would be followed up with educational programs that would be used as a tool to conscientize the public on disaster preparedness. The educational programs would involve the opening of community centers to target those above 18 years. Since it is most likely that high school students have not yet attained 18 years, resolutions were arrived at to integrate disaster management and preparedness to high school educational curriculum. Herein, Pequannock Township’s revenue will also go a long way in promoting disaster preparedness and emergency response, since it is robust enough; having been accrued from fees and levies exacted from utilities and enterprises such as stores, parking spaces and road levies (Colrick, 75). Personalities and Interests Represented At the Me eting The personalities and interests represented at the meeting are the Mayor of Pequannock Township, Richard Phelan, the deputy mayor, Melissa Florence-Lynch, the manager of Pequannock Township, David Hollberg, the town clerk, Jay Delaney, the Township historian, Ed Engelbart and other township officers such as Catherine Winterfield and Joel D. Vanderhoff. The extent of public discussion was far-reaching since the matters already mentioned as the main items to the meeting were to be thoroughly and exhaustively expounded on, and not be left tentatively. An Analysis Regarding Government and Politics at the Local Level in Pequannock NJ New Jersey According

Business environment report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Business environment report - Essay Example In addition, the company also offers financial and online services across Asia, North America, and Europe. Based on the revenue, it is the third largest retailer in the world behind Carrefour and Wal-Mart, which is the largest. In terms of profit, it surpasses Carrefour to rank only behind Wal-mart. In the UK, its biggest competitors are ASDA and Sainsbury. Tesco’s philosophy is embedded in their desire to expand and grow as is shown by their strategy. Tesco has a consistent and well-established growth strategy that has allowed them to strengthen their core business in the UK, as well as drive their expansion to other markets (Tesco Plc, 2013: p1). This paper will seek to discuss the business environment of Tesco. The business environment analysis will include the micro-economic analysis because it directly impacts the management of the company. A macro-environment analysis will also be essential because it impacts the decisions taken by the management, which will include a PE ST analysis, SWOT analysis, and Porter’s five forces analysis. The paper will also compare Tesco’s financial ratios with those of its biggest UK rival, Sainsbury in order to determine its financial environment and performance. With regards to Tesco’s financial status, the analysis will be made for the period between 2009 and 2011. Finally, the paper will make recommendations as to how Tesco can adapt to the current business environment. Tesco’s Business Environment Analysis Micro Environment factors For Tesco, customers are one of the most important factors of the business. Tesco as an organization gives their customers increased benefits to keep them happy, for example, giving them the best quality and variety of products (Jones et al, 2012: p884). Tesco ensures that they are able to meet the demands of their consumers in an environment where competition is ever increasing, whereas also meeting the expectations of the wider market. Another factor is mate rials, which is important because production and sales at Tesco are directly related to materials. If the material is easily available, the production and sales will increase. Tesco ensures this by storing their material in easily accessible warehouses. Employees are another important micro-environmental factor. Tesco ensures that they have the best staff for them to offer better service to the consumer. Satisfaction of the employees helps to improve the quality of their service and improves their competitiveness (Elearn, 2013: p11). Suppliers are important to Tesco in order to offer competitive service to their customers. Having and maintaining efficient supply chains improves their ability to get orders delivered on time. Getting the material delivered on time has various advantages and it is essential for Tesco to maintain a good supplier-user relationship (Elearn, 2013: p12). The shareholders are an important micro-environmental factor, as well. Great organizations require good relations with their shareholders in order to increase their growth. Tesco gives substantial dividends to their shareholders, whereas also allowing their employees and suppliers to buy company shares. This gives added satisfaction to their suppliers and employees, improving their productivity. Media gives Tesco the ability to achieve top sales and, as such, it is an important micro-environmental factor. It is important to get information on new products and services, as well as

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Company Law - Essay Example The factual scenario raises various issues in company law relating to the legality of proposed transactions. With regard to the proposed transactions and dissatisfaction of Ergan,Arif and Moshe as minority shareholders in the actions of Pedro and Morgan;this initially raises issues of breach of directors’ duties under the Companies Act 2006. Section 171 of the Companies Act 2006 (CA) provides that â€Å"a director of a company must- a) act in accordance with the company’s constitution, and b) only exercise powers for the purposes for which they are conferred† (CA). Section 175 of the CA further imposes a positive obligation on directors to â€Å"avoid a situation in which he has, or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the company† (Section 175 of the CA). If we apply this by analogy to the current scenario, it is evident that Pedro and Morgan have awarded themselves pay increases despite t he fact the company is making marginal profits. As such, this would suggest a conflict of interest with the interest of the company. Moreover, the common law and equity impose duties on directors and section 179 of the CA expressly states that â€Å"the consequences of any breach†¦ of sections 171 to 177 are the same as would apply if the corresponding common law rule or equitable principle applied†.... k v Deeks ([1916] 1 AC 554) asserted that directors cannot take advantage of an opportunity or information that belongs to the company without prior approval of the company. The common law fiduciary duty is further bolstered by the provisions of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, where the courts can disqualify directors whose companies have failed as a direct result of their misconduct for periods up to 15 years. Moreover, under section 172 of the CA, there is a new duty deriving from the equitable fiduciary duty principle expressed as a duty to promote the success of the company. To this end, Section 172(1) sets out a non-exhaustive list of guidelines that directors should refer to including (without limitation) the relationship with suppliers and customers, impact of decision on environment and members of the company. It is important to ensure compliance with this and failure to comply cannot only result in exposing the company to potential claims, but can also lead to piercing of the corporate veil for potential actions against the director (Wild, 2009). Furthermore, section 173 of the CA 2006 imposes a positive duty on a director of a company to exercise independent judgment. Section 174(1) sets out the common law duty of care and skill and section 174(2) sets out an objective test similar to the dual obligations test extrapolated under section 214 of the Insolvency Act 1986 in relation to the wrongful trading provisions. In context of the current scenario, this will have a bearing in relation to the concerns regarding the sale of the company’s property at undervalue. Firstly, it is evident that the proposed sale of the company property must be in the best interests of the company under Section 172 of the CA 2006. If the sale at undervalue is not

Business environment report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Business environment report - Essay Example In addition, the company also offers financial and online services across Asia, North America, and Europe. Based on the revenue, it is the third largest retailer in the world behind Carrefour and Wal-Mart, which is the largest. In terms of profit, it surpasses Carrefour to rank only behind Wal-mart. In the UK, its biggest competitors are ASDA and Sainsbury. Tesco’s philosophy is embedded in their desire to expand and grow as is shown by their strategy. Tesco has a consistent and well-established growth strategy that has allowed them to strengthen their core business in the UK, as well as drive their expansion to other markets (Tesco Plc, 2013: p1). This paper will seek to discuss the business environment of Tesco. The business environment analysis will include the micro-economic analysis because it directly impacts the management of the company. A macro-environment analysis will also be essential because it impacts the decisions taken by the management, which will include a PE ST analysis, SWOT analysis, and Porter’s five forces analysis. The paper will also compare Tesco’s financial ratios with those of its biggest UK rival, Sainsbury in order to determine its financial environment and performance. With regards to Tesco’s financial status, the analysis will be made for the period between 2009 and 2011. Finally, the paper will make recommendations as to how Tesco can adapt to the current business environment. Tesco’s Business Environment Analysis Micro Environment factors For Tesco, customers are one of the most important factors of the business. Tesco as an organization gives their customers increased benefits to keep them happy, for example, giving them the best quality and variety of products (Jones et al, 2012: p884). Tesco ensures that they are able to meet the demands of their consumers in an environment where competition is ever increasing, whereas also meeting the expectations of the wider market. Another factor is mate rials, which is important because production and sales at Tesco are directly related to materials. If the material is easily available, the production and sales will increase. Tesco ensures this by storing their material in easily accessible warehouses. Employees are another important micro-environmental factor. Tesco ensures that they have the best staff for them to offer better service to the consumer. Satisfaction of the employees helps to improve the quality of their service and improves their competitiveness (Elearn, 2013: p11). Suppliers are important to Tesco in order to offer competitive service to their customers. Having and maintaining efficient supply chains improves their ability to get orders delivered on time. Getting the material delivered on time has various advantages and it is essential for Tesco to maintain a good supplier-user relationship (Elearn, 2013: p12). The shareholders are an important micro-environmental factor, as well. Great organizations require good relations with their shareholders in order to increase their growth. Tesco gives substantial dividends to their shareholders, whereas also allowing their employees and suppliers to buy company shares. This gives added satisfaction to their suppliers and employees, improving their productivity. Media gives Tesco the ability to achieve top sales and, as such, it is an important micro-environmental factor. It is important to get information on new products and services, as well as

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Conflict Resolution Styles in Organizational Behaviour Essay Example for Free

Conflict Resolution Styles in Organizational Behaviour Essay Conflict is a process that every one of us has experienced throughout our lifes. There are various definitions of conflicts as described by different authors but generally, conflict is a process whereby one individual’s interests is opposed or negatively affected by the other party (McShane et al. 2010). Workplace and organisational conflicts are usually more complex. Isenhart and Spangle (2000) points out that at the beginning the conflict may start because of improper placement of workers and their responsibilities in a workplace, but it may get worse if they faces unfair rules, ineffective management, unclear responsibilities or too much work assigned. Organisational conflicts can result in many possible outcomes, the negatives ones such as damaged employee relations, violence, increased tension between bosses and employees but it can have positive outcomes too such as increased employee-cohesiveness and increased motivation. How it will be achieved will be discussed through the elements of conflict and will be listed in greater details. Ways in which people approach conflict Avoiding Avoiding is probably the fastest way of resolving a conflict but at the same time it is not the best way because most of the time the avoider will remain unhappy even after the conflict. It does not permanently resolve the conflict (McShane et al. 2010) and in my opinion it is just ‘postponing’ the problem to have it solved at a later date. McCollum et al. (2009) states that the person who is avoiding thinks that confronting the conflict will bring more trouble than it is worth. The avoider also decides to not deal with the conflict because he or she might not have the confidence to do so. This seems like the more popular choice amongst the five ways in which people approach conflict based on my experiences because people simply do not want unnecessary trouble or aggravate the problem, especially if it is a minor issue. Avoiding pays no attention in concerns of either self or others (Kotthoff Spencer-Oatey 2008). This is the least-sought option amongst the five approach es but however, McCollum et al. (2009) suggests that avoiding can be a tactical approach when the other party has more strength and authority over you; and/or the avoiding the conflict will bring little or no devastating consequences. Problem-Solving I deemed this to be the most effective way in resolving organisational conflicts because both parties will benefit if they manage to find a double-win solution to the problem. This is considered to be the most desirable approach to conflict as there are no negative impacts at all. Only positive results will surface. Runde Flanagan (2009) suggests that there might be a link between avoiding and problem-solving. Because many people tend towards avoidance, they often rush through problem solving and immediately use the first solution that they can think of so as to quickly get over the conflict, without any beneficial solutions. The key in using problem-solving as an approach to resolve conflicts lies in having patience to create multiple potential solutions. Careful reflection and consideration will progress into agreements that are both satisfying and successful (Runde Flanagan 2009). Therefore when undergoing problem-solving, both parties must not rush to a solution immediately or else the solution may backfire or do not satisfy both parties’ needs. Three strategies that help people manage conflict Before discussing about the three different strategies that help people to manage conflict, the strategies used are basically divided into three categories and they are interest-based, rights-based and power-based (Jameson 2001). Three different strategies from the three categories will be discussed respectively. Jameson (2001) advises that all resolutions of disputes and conflicts should start with a interest-based strategy, and if it does not resolves the conflict, it is followed by a rights-based strategy and if conflict persists, power-based strategy is then applied. Mediation (Interest-based) Jameson (2001) suggests that mediation is a form of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution). Research has shown that interest-based strategies such as mediation had the best long-termed results such as improved relationship between parties, greater commitment to solutions and reduced future conflicts from happening. This is why involved parties in a conflict should use this approach as it reaps the most benefits. Even though there are many theories and various methods underlying mediation, it is generally defined as an intervention by a neutral third party which facilitates the process but allow participants in the conflict to control the outcome (Jameson 2001). Depending on the severity of the conflict, the mediator is to provide useful information in legal issues, help the participants into perspective thinking, provide a guide in finding the most satisfying and realistic settlement, help to improve the working/personal relationship between participants, or engage in some combination of the above methods. Inquisitorial Intervention (Rights-based) This describes intervention by a person of a higher authority; in most cases is the manager, who will make a final decision. Managers who adopt this strategy allow employees more or less control over presentation of their arguments before deciding on an appropriate solution (Jameson 2001). Because the third party(manager) listens to every party’s arguments before making a judgment, the manager acts as a ‘judge’ and this usually results in a win-lose situation, unlike Mediation which results in a win-win situation most of the time. Employees are given the opportunity to present their arguments and influence the final decision and this result in higher amount of fairness and satisfaction with outcomes. Employees involved in the conflict usually agree that the outcome decided by the third party is fair, but it could be better if they are able to retain the outcome control. Restructuring (Power-based) This is the more realistic popular method amongst power-based strategies because they are efficient (at least in the short run) and it follows a problem-solving procedure that is actually part of the managerial role (Jameson 2001). A powerful third party restructures the work and responsibilities of employees in order to solve problems. For example if employees does not see eye-to-eye with one another and it affects efficiency or quality of work produced, restructuring may simply solve this issue even though parties involved are not satisfied but at least they will not be able to see each other, proving restructuring to be a efficient method in the short run. This method may be efficient if time issues are being involved, such as the organisation needs to achieve a certain target by a certain date. Influence of culture in conflict resolution styles The three cultural values dimensions that are popularly discussed are individualism-collectivism, power distance and high-low context (McShane et al. 2010). Low/high context: refers to the amount of information contained in a clearly-expressed message versus implied message (Adair et al. 2004). Low-context culture is direct and negotiations are analytical and fact-based, while high-context culture is indirect and high-context negotiators tend to use an indirect communication method with usually contains implied meanings. An example of a low-context culture would be the United States of America and a high-context culture will be Japan (Adair et al. 2004). Individualism/Collectivism: Individualism refers to a society where the relationships between people are loose and they are expected to look after themselves or their immediate families only. Collectivism which is the opposite, refers to a society that people focus on being harmonious and emphasize on cohesiveness within themselves. In organisational context, individualism means individuals only care about their own goals and prefer to work alone and collectivism means working harmoniously in a teams and it emphasizes on teamwork. Power distance: McShane et al. (2010) defines power distance as the degree of importance that people place on status and power to control. Basically it means that human inequality may occur in many fields such as status, wealth, power, rules etc. In organisational settings it refers between superiors/managers and employees mainly. In a high power distance working environment, employees tend to just do their work without raising doubts or question their bosses, due to fear in the difference of their power, low power distance means otherwise, where employees and their superiors work hand in hand to resolve issues. A few decades ago, managers can spend up to twenty percent of their time in resolving conflicts. Nowadays, conflicts are generally much more complex and take up more time to resolve due to technological advances, world’s exponential growth rate and globalization which led to increase contacts between people of many different cultures (Kotthoff Spencer-Oatey 2008). This suggests that our modern world has an increase of numbers of cultural conflicts and they are usually hard to resolve due to the extreme range of differences in thinking, values, ethics etc between individuals of different cultures. To further elaborate on this point, Brigg (2008) states that most experts in this field now come to an agreement that culture frames the experiences of conflict of people, their reactions and responses to other people in conflict, and the types of strategies they might consider to manage or otherwise address disputes. Therefore when facing against a cultural conflict issue, one must understand that the other party does not grow up in the same environment as him/her, had not been taught the same teachings and values since young. To put in simpler terms, the definition of what is right and what is correct might not be the same between the two parties. This also explains why it is so difficult in applying conflict resolution styles when it comes to cultural conflicts because it is hard to accept the other party’s â€Å"correct† values which may be the â€Å"wrong† values of one as both of them have been gorged those values since young in their growing up environment. Conclusion Two ways of conflict-handling styles were discussed and avoiding can be a good approach sometimes despite many of its negativity and although problem-solving is the best approach, it cannot be rushed and many potential solutions must be raised in order to finding the best solution. Three strategies from three different categories of conflict resolution styles were discussed and despite the major differences in terms of popularity of usage and way of handling, all the three strategies can produce effective results in organisational settings if they were applied in the correct circumstances. Three cultural values dimensions were discussed and it was also explained that influence of culture in conflict resolution styles remains fundamentally significant and it is currently the most challenging in conflict resolution.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Media on Indigenous Cultures

Impact of Media on Indigenous Cultures KSENIA LIESSAY CRITICALLY DISCUSS HOW MEDIA IMPACTS INDEGENOUS COMMUNITIES Indigenous people groups over the world have been influenced by the presentation of innovations from remote societies for many years. Some have not incredibly changed their lifestyles, while others have totally changed identities toward oneself, whole social orders and perspectives. Current innovations, particularly telecommunication and PC advances, permit indigenous gatherings to take an interest in the bigger social orders and economies around them. These innovations additionally empower them to protect and advertise their lifestyle for their relatives and for our aggregate learning of human history(studymode 2014). The result is less moral and a bundle of information that is figured to be futile (Keen 2007). As said by Franklin Roosevelt, Vote based system cant succeed unless the individuals who state their decision are readied to pick sagaciously consequently relying upon the all inclusive community, democratization of data on the web could be both a great angle and an awful perspective. Internet organizing or societal frameworks organization has fundamentally wound up a bit of our consistently lives and being heaved around over the past few years. It is like any conceivable media, for instance, newsprint, radio and TV, notwithstanding it is considerably more than for all intents and purpose granting data and contemplations. Long extend interpersonal correspondence devices like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Blogs have energized the creation and exchange of plans so quickly and for the most part than the formal media. The power of describing and control a brand is moving from organizations and foundations to individuals and aggregations (Tay 2014).communication is a key a piece of human life. It is the exchange of arrangements and suspicions between and around people(studymode 2014). This correspondence can happen up close and particular or through a conduct. Overall correspondence can, consequently, be depicted as the sort of correspondence that happens across over edges i.e. between different states or landmasses. Overall correspondence is honest to goodness basic in overall associations in light of the way that the Earth is right away dependent, so countries need normal acquaintanceship and understanding with every one thusly. This trans-outskirt correspondence is solidly turned the united nation proclamations of human rights which adaptability of information is part of. This has obliged a free stream of information between countries. Telecommunication building empowers various differing frameworks for correspondence between people. The Internet is used by indigenous aggregates for updating, talk rooms, radio stations, trademark conferencing, and immediate data assembling by taking a gander at Web destinations. If, despite everything that indigenously supported Internet belonging and improvements are any noteworthiness of Indigenous social order arrangement to acknowledge the innovative time, the response is that different Indigenous totals see telecommunication and PC impels as a procedure to enhance, rather than impede, opportunity, safeguarding of social request, real impact, and general money related conditions. Media has the picking essentialness of choices both for what is news and what acquires to be scattered, and the proficience to mean, occasions, circumstances, individuals and circumstances in useful ways. Likewise, media are recognized as a part stakeholder in offering centrality to issues and extraordinarily up as a tenet social request space. Expansive levels of talks are in progress around the impacts of the media; an inside reason of media examination is that the making of news has the potential conclusions of impacting book accomplices or social events of people ( 2014). Online networking likewise impacts individuals purchasing practices. Advanced Influence Group reported that 91% of the individuals say buyer surveys are the #1 help to purchasing choices and 87% trust a companions great word over a commentators audit. It is thrice less averse to trust associate assessments over promoting for purchasing choices.. 1 expressions of-mouth discussion has an effect of 200 TV ads( 2009). Additionally conveying the opportunity to distinguish a pack of citizenry in a snappy and delicate way, online networking likewise helped youngsters who hold social or physical portability confinements to construct and maintain associations with their companions and kinfolks. Kids who head out abroad to study can at present stay in compelling touch with their a more amazing reach out, there is recounted proof of positive conclusions from these innovations. In 2010, after the seismic tremor happened in Haiti, a hefty portion of the authority correspondence lines were down. Whatever is left of the world was not equipped to handle the full picture of the circumstances there. To encourage the offering of data and make up for the absence of data, social networking came in extremely convenient to report the news about the influenced range on what happened and what help was required. Tweets from numerous individuals gave an amazing diagram of the progressing occasions from the seismic tremor. BBC secured the event by joining together tweets from the work of its journalist Matthew Price in Port-au-Prince at the ground. Guardians live blog similarly used long range interpersonal communication together with the information from diverse news acquaintanceships to report about the rescue mission ( 2009). One of the most serious issues indigenous aggregations have experienced has been the Computerized Divide, which arranges the extraordinary unwashed who have entry to current designing science from those without access. Likely the most far reaching utilization of the Internet by indigenous individuals has been in saving and advertising their progress and history. Not just that, data nowadays might be imparted simply to few clicks and millions will have entry to it (Keen 2007). This essentially implies that as additional data is included to the web, clients unknowingly steal the work of others; it normally happens in circumstances whereby some on Youtube may make a spread for a tune preferred by the masses yet no rights have be Bibliography StudyMode. Influence Of social Media Networks on the flow of International Communication College Essays Odinma-Chima. 2014. (accessed 20 Mar 2014). Aboriginal Family And The Mainstream Media Sociology Essay. 2014. (accessed 20 Mar 2014). The Conversation: An Introduction to Social Media. 2009. (accessed 20 Mar 2014). Tied up and humiliated on birthday. 2014. (accessed 20 Mar 2014). Tay, Raymond. Untitled. 2014. (accessed 20 Mar 2014). Hanson, Jarice. â€Å"24/7: Anytime, anywhere.† 24/7: How Cell Phones and the Internet Change The Way We Live, Work and Play. Westport: Praeger Publishers, 2007. Jacobs, Joanne. Internet Democracy. 1998. (accessed July 10, 2012). Baron, Naomi. â€Å"The people we become: The cost of being always on.† In Always on: Language in an online and mobile world, by Naomi Baron. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. The University of Kentucky. Plagiarism: Definitions, Examples and Penalties. 12 December 1998. (accessed July 10, 2012). Keen, Andrew. The great seduction. In the cult of the amateur: How todays internet is killing our culture. New York, 2007.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Black Friday Takeover Essay -- Hollydays, Thanksgiving

â€Å"Mommy, why didn’t I get what I wanted for Thanksgiving this year?† This question seems absurd in a modern-day context, but in the future, it could be a question that is asked much too often. With holiday-themed advertisements in the media and holiday discount deals already visible on the shelves, it is no wonder that Black Friday and the holiday shopping season are creeping up closer and closer to Thanksgiving. Black Friday is a popular phrase used to describe the chaotic shopping frenzy that takes place every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving. In recent years, the chaos of this so-called â€Å"holiday† has only escalated; consumers are trampling one another to get the best deals, and retailers are scrambling to keep up with their competitors. However, this year, many large department stores in the United States are opening their doors on Thanksgiving day in preparation for Black Friday (Zilman). This unprecedented event brings light to a star tling change in American society. Black Friday’s inevitable takeover of Thanksgiving will ruin the holiday itself and negatively impact traditional familial values because it will force Americans to embrace materialism in place of graciousness. Thanksgiving is a traditional American holiday dating back to colonial times. The commonly-known First Thanksgiving is a story that all American children learn. The Native Americans teach the Pilgrims to grow food to last the winter. At the end of the harvest, the Pilgrims and Native Americans come together to celebrate and give thanks for the friendship they have and for all of the blessings they have received. Modern Thanksgiving, although based off of the First Thanksgiving, has evolved considerably. It is traditionally celebrated by fam... ...Jennifer. â€Å"With Thanksgiving-Night Openings, Do Retailers Risk More Than Busting Doors?† n.p., 14 Nov 2012. Web. 15 Nov 2013. Stein, Joel. â€Å"Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation.† n.p., 20 May 2013. Web. 15 Nov 2013. Tozzi, John. â€Å"The Branding of Black Friday.† n.p., 20 Nov 2012. Web. 11 Nov 2013. Tuttle, Brad. â€Å"What’s on Tap for Black Friday.† n.p., 20 Nov 2012. Web. 16 Nov 2013 Zilman, Claire. â€Å"Why Macy’s relented to an early Thanksgiving opening.† n.p. 17 Oct 2013. Web. 7 November 2013. â€Å"Black Friday Ads Leaking Earlier Than Ever Before on FatWallet.† n.p., 30 Oct 2013. Web. 13 Nov 2013. â€Å"Restaurant Chains Open Thanksgiving Day.† n.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. â€Å"10 Things You Didn’t Know About Black Friday.† n.p., 2009. Web. 10 Nov 2013.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction Background Information: Chemical reactions take place all the time at many different rates, some are incredibly fast like an explosion-where you get no time to see what's happening or like rusting which could take years before the iron is completely rusted. The rate of reaction is extremely important because you need to know how long before the end of the session or you may not get results in time. In living organisms it's vital that all the chemical reactions take place at the rates which supply the cells with the things they need exactly when they need them. Reaction rates are also important in the chemical industry as in any industrial process the ultimate purpose is to make money by producing useful products. In the chemical industry this means it's important to make as much of the desired product as cheaply as possible which means that the rate of reaction must be fast enough to make as much of the product as quickly as possible without risking overheating or explosions and without costing too much! How money hungry are we eh? Successful chemistry, whether microscopic or at a chemical plant, depends on controlling the rate of the ongoing reactions. In order to understand what affects the rate of chemical reactions and how we can control them we need to measure the rate of the reaction. The two ways to do this are measuring how quickly the reactants are used up or we can observe how quickly products are formed. Once we have a measurement for the reaction under one set of conditions, we can change them and make comparisons of the changing reaction rate under different conditions. There are 3 ways to measure the rate of reaction. We can measure a change in mass, if the reaction involves a gas being given off. The mass disappearing can easily be measured and recorded over a period of time. Another way to see is by measuring the rate of precipitation. When an insoluble solid forms as a solid in solution, the solution will gradually become more and more opaque. Paper with a mark on it can be used and the time taken for the mark to become invisible can be recorded. Another way to measure the precipitation rate is to use a light meter and data logger to record the amount of light transmitted. Finally, the last way is to measure the volume of gas given off; using a syringe but this can only be used when a gas is given off. The rate of reaction depends on four things: temperature increases the